Small Portion, Big Serve Vol. 3.0

Today on the 15th of October, 2021 (Saturday) during the auspicious occasion of Bijaya Dashami, the Leo Club of Kathmandu Kohinoor organized the third volume of “Small Portion, Big Serve” at OCCED Nepal. This program involved a lunch distribution to the children of the orphanage.

For the program, the rice, meat & juice was sponsored by Tail Twister Leo Yajana Subedi and the Subedi family where as the dry fruits jointly by Club President Leo Abhinav Joshi & member Leo Abhishek Joshi. The event successfully provided lunch to 23 individuals.

#leo #leoclub #leoktmkohinoor #kathmandukohinoor #smallportionbigserve #lunchdistribution

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